Sunday, August 26, 2007

Linesman Acknowledged By Talent Scout

If you read this blog, I hope you realize that everything is complete bull shit. This entry is actually serious though. So pay attention!

On July 30th, I was emailed by someone called Chris Abraham. Apparently he's a talent scout for the Blogger's Choice Awards. In his letter, he asked me for permission to nominate this blog for an award.

I was pretty excited by this, but the guy hasn't replied to any of my emails. I've sent three messages back to him, including one from the new Yahoo! address. Maybe it was a joke all along?

Anyways, Chris Abraham's email is If you're a friendly person, do me a favour and let Chris know that I accept his nomination! I can't reach him for some reason. He also has two websites: and

-Liz Oak, editor-in-chief

UPDATE: Wahoo! Chris Abraham has managed to contact our editors (via our comment board).

ANOTHER UPDATE (01.06.08): Not much else happened. Chris posted a comment and that was the last we ever heard of him. The Linesman remains an obscure cyber-thing that is frequented by absolutely no one.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I wonder why I didn't get your response. That is very odd... No, it wasn't a joke.

The Writing Staff said...

Hi Chris!

I'm so happy that I've been able to contact you. I wish that I posted something about your email a lot sooner.

Anyways, I'm honoured that you visit this blog and that you think it deserves a nomination.

It's a mystery why our emails haven't connected. If our communication problems continue, I guess we can just stick to this forum??
