Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Unrestricted Free Agents Get Rich Quick, Unload Cliches

If your name is either Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, Scott Gomez or Jason Blake, you might have just instantly become a multi-millionaire!

All of the previously mentioned NHL players left their small-scale hockey franchises for richer and more "prominent" teams. Money truly is the root of all evil.

The top-notch free agents of summer 2007 tried to gain sympathy from their departed fans by repeating cliches that their agents advised them spurt out to the media.

"I love to be part of an organization (Philadelphia) that wants to win," stated Briere.

Jason Blake, recently signed by the Toronto Maple Leafs, also had something similar to say: "I love to be part of an organization that wants to win," said Blake.

The Linesman, along with other sports media reporters, scratched our heads and wondered, did their old teams not want to win? Oh wait, I forgot, no one likes to admit that they want more money.

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