Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beckham's Bench-Warming Skills Dazzle in Debut

Due to an injury, David Beckham was unable to actually play in his LA Galaxy debut last week. Nonetheless, Beckham was absolutely brilliant.

"I'm so glad we brought him over. He's a lot more polite than the other guys," said the Galaxy coach. "His posture, when he sits on the bench, is perfect."

At one point Beckham tied his shoes. The crowd cheered loudly when this happened.

"He ties his laces in a very different way, you can really tell that he's foreign," said Ned Newly, a local LA sports announcer.

Beckham also received a standing ovation when he left the stadium.

"I really hope people were paying attention to the actual soccer game," Beckham said, in a follow-up interview.

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